
Total expenditures on research and development at Missouri higher education institutions as a percentage of gross state product


Numerator: Total Research, Development and Public Service expenses (IPEDS).

Denominator: Missouri Gross Domestic Product (MERIC)

Disaggregation: Institutional Sector, Primary Research and Public Service


Missouri Gross Domestic Product: Total market value of all final goods and services produced within Missouri during calendar year. http://www.missourieconomy.org/indicators/gsp/index.stm

Total Expenditures on Research and Development: A functional expense category that includes expenses for activities specifically organized to produce research outcomes and commissioned by an agency either external to the institution or separately budgeted by an organizational unit within the institution. The category includes institutes and research centers, and individual and project research. This function does not include non-research sponsored programs (e.g., training programs). Also included are information technology expenses related to research activities if the institution separately budgets and expenses information technology resources (otherwise these expenses are included in academic support.) FASB institutions include actual or allocated costs for operation & maintenance of plant, interest, and depreciation. GASB institutions do not include operation & maintenance of plant or interest but may, as an option, distribute depreciation expense.

Expenditures for Public Service: A functional expense category that includes expenses for activities established primarily to provide noninstructional services beneficial to individuals and groups external to the institution. Examples are conferences, institutes, general advisory service, reference bureaus, and similar services provided to particular sectors of the community. This function includes expenses for community services, cooperative extension services, and public broadcasting services. Also includes information technology expenses related to the public service activities if the institution separately budgets and expenses information technology resources (otherwise these expenses are included in academic support). FASB institutions include actual or allocated costs for operation and maintenance of plant, interest, and depreciation. GASB institutions do not include operation and maintenance of plant or interest, but may, as an option, distribute depreciation expense.

Institutional Sector



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